Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Reflection 3: Day 3

Today was another great day. We started out the day letting the students interview us again, and they learned that while both Derya and I have seen negative things in the countries we have traveled, our positive experiences far outweigh any challenges we have encountered. Each time they ask us a question, someone in the class volunteers their own story about movement, whether pertaining to physical or ideological, and we all are getting to know and appreciate our unique and diverse backgrounds. We introduced two visual artists who specialize in migratory photography, showing them collections and explaining how each artists' work overlaps with the other. After that discussion, the students completed their T-shirt designs--all of their creativity is amazing! They have really taken to our group's theme of migration and have represented themselves well through their shirt designs. During the artwork period, we played more world music, and some of the students contributed their own favorites in that category as well. Tomorrow is the digital component of our artwork project, and they are already thinking about how best to represent themselves through photography and how to comprise that into a classroom representation of their work. The only challenge we faced today was the shortened time we had with them, but we all adjusted our schedules for the time we did have and honestly did not think about it too much. We completed our lesson plan for the day, each student completed their shirt, so all in all was another wonderful day with our group of Balfours:)

1 comment:

  1. These reflections are so rich and I really do believe that others that visit our blog will gain the building blocks that undergird the accessible and heart-based pedagogy that you have created. Thank you with all my heart.
