Monday, June 19, 2017

Workshop Description

Learning and Inequalities

When we think about learning, we often think about school, but there are other ways we can expand and acquire knowledge outside of school. In our group we will explore issues of learning and inequalities in two ways.

On the first hand, we want to think about learning inequalities. The books we read, the media we explore, the places we go are all different ways to learn. Yet we do not all have the same access to knowledge. For example, in zones of conflict or of extreme poverty, access to knowledge is made more difficult.

On the other hand, there are ways we can teach ourselves about inequalities. For example there are organizations raising consciousness about such inequalities and that try to bridge the gap. Simultaneously, popular artists such as M.I.A, Beyonce or Kendrick Lamar are trying to bring issues of global inequality at the forefront of their art -- what can we learn from that?

Over the course of the week, we will reflect on learning and inequalities by exploring a range of visual arts and media. We will create selfies, maps, short videos, and short texts to investigate where we stand in terms  of learning and inequalities as well as devising our own strategies to become better global learners.


  1. This is a great start - the title needs to includes both global and the art form(s) that you for the course. Since you are using visual arts perhaps something like Visualizing Global Learning Inequalities - just an idea. It doesn't bring in the music part of your plan. Maybe something with Giving Voice? Also, work on editing down the description also. Anyone else have some ideas?

  2. Email sent to Julie and Hogan:

    Hey guys!

    I posted what Julie typed up on the blog and this is the feedback from Amy (let me know your ideas and I'll repost them) For the title I was thinking Exploring Diverse Global Learning Forms:

    This is a great start - the title needs to includes both global and the art form(s) that you for the course. Since you are using visual arts perhaps something like Visualizing Global Learning Inequalities - just an idea. It doesn't bring in the music part of your plan. Maybe something with Giving Voice? Also, work on editing down the description also. Anyone else have some ideas?

    Post your ideas on the Group blog 3 - I will paste this message also. I think they prefer we work within that space versus via email.

  3. I really like this. I think students will too. It is so relevant to today's experience. Your students will probably relate to it more than you think.

  4. YESSSSSS. Bring in the Hip Hop! #HipHopEd is the group I think you are referring to re: Lamar. GZA from the Wu-Tang clan is part of it, also, and the dance version is #DancehallEd. Here is a link for that learning initiative project, which is based in Jamaica:

  5. I just have a question. Speaking of inequality, are you going to incorporate the concept of inequity into that?

  6. Hey guys! Thank you so much for all your suggestions!!
